UK Immigration Questions

Below is an exhaustive list of the most common questions you are likely to be asked by UK immigration officers.  The list is divided into 10 categories. Click on the heading to toggle the sections.

1. What is the purpose of your trip?
2. How long will you be staying?
3. Where will you be staying during your trip?
4. Have you visited this country before?
5. Have you made any arrangements for transportation?
6. What is the nature of your business?
7. Who will you be meeting during your visit?
8. Can you show me your itinerary?
9. How much money do you have available for your trip?
10. Do you have a return ticket booked?
11. What do you plan to do while you are here?
12. Are you traveling alone or with someone?
13. What is your occupation?
14. What is your relationship with the person you are visiting?
15. Do you have any criminal history?
16. Are you carrying any goods to sell or give away?
17. Can you tell me where you will be going after you leave this country?
18. Do you have any medical conditions that we should be aware of?
19. What is the purpose of your visit to this specific location?
20. Have you made any prior arrangements for your stay, such as booking accommodation or making travel arrangements?

1. What is the purpose of your visit?
2. How long do you plan to stay in the country?
3. When do you plan to leave the country?
4. Do you have a return ticket?
5. Where will you be staying during your visit?
6. Have you visited this country before?
7. What is your occupation and how long have you been employed?
8. How will you support yourself financially during your stay?
9. Do you have any family or friends in the country you will be visiting?
10. Have you applied for any visas or permits for this trip?
11. Are you traveling alone or with others?
12. What countries have you visited in the past six months?
13. What is the duration of your travel itinerary?
14. Have you booked any tours or activities during your stay?
15. Are you planning to work or study during your stay?
16. What is your marital status and do you have any children?
17. Have you ever been deported or denied entry into any country?
18. Do you have any medical conditions or require special accommodations?
19. What is the purpose of any items you are bringing with you?
20. Are you carrying any prohibited or restricted items?
21. Are you carrying more than the allowed amount of currency?
22. What is your travel history and frequency of travel?
23. Have you ever overstayed a visa or permit in any country?
24. What is the total amount of time you have spent in this country in the past?
25. What is the nature of your relationship with anyone you will be visiting in the country?
26. Do you have any plans to seek employment or engage in business activities during your stay?
27. How long have you been planning this trip?
28. Have you ever been refused entry into any country?
29. Have you ever been issued a travel ban or restriction by any country?
30. What is your country of origin and nationality?
31. What is your current residential address and contact information?
32. Have you made any changes to your travel plans since you applied for a visa or permit?
33. Have you ever been refused entry or detained at any airport or border crossing?
34. What is your education level and field of study?
35. What is your intended mode of transportation during your stay?
36. Are you aware of the local customs and laws of the UK?
37. Have you arranged for any transportation or accommodations in the UK?
38. Do you have any pending legal proceedings or outstanding warrants?
39. Have you ever been involved in any civil disturbances or political activities?

1. Where will you be staying during your visit?
2. Do you have a hotel reservation or are you staying with friends/family?
3. How long do you plan on staying in the country?
4. Can you provide the address and contact information for your accommodation?
5. How did you find your accommodation?
6. How much are you paying for your accommodation per night?
7. Is your accommodation within walking distance to any tourist attractions?
8. Who will be staying with you at your accommodation?
9. Have you stayed at this accommodation before?
10. Will you be sharing a room with anyone?
11. Are you staying in a private or shared room?
12. What facilities does your accommodation offer?
13. What is the check-in and check-out time of your accommodation?
14. Have you made any special requests to your accommodation?
15. What is the cancellation policy of your accommodation?
16. Have you already paid for your accommodation or will you be paying upon arrival?
17. What is the name of the person who made the reservation for your accommodation?
18. Are there any restrictions or rules you need to follow at your accommodation?
19. Are you planning to use your accommodation as a business address?
20. Have you booked any tours or activities through your accommodation?

1. What is your current occupation, and how much do you earn?
2. Do you have any sources of income other than your job?
3. How much money do you have in your bank account?
4. What is the purpose of your trip, and how much money will you need to cover your expenses?
5. Do you have any assets or property that you can use as collateral?
6. Do you have any outstanding debts or loans that you need to repay?
7. Have you made any financial arrangements for your trip, such as booking accommodation or buying tickets?
8. How long do you plan to stay in the country, and how will you support yourself during your stay?
9. Have you ever been bankrupt or had any financial problems in the past?
10. Can you provide evidence of your financial means, such as bank statements or tax returns?
11. What is your occupation?
12. What is your monthly income?
13. What is the source of your income?
14. Do you have any savings or investments?
15. Do you own any property?
16. Do you have any outstanding debts?
17. How will you support yourself during your stay in the country?
18. Do you have a job or employment offer in the country?
19. Have you purchased a return ticket?
20. How much money do you have in your bank account?
21. Can you provide bank statements to show your financial stability?
22. Have you obtained travel insurance?
23. How much cash do you have with you?
24. Have you exchanged currency before arriving?
25. Are you carrying any traveler’s checks?
26. Do you have any credit cards or debit cards?
27. Can you provide proof of financial support from a sponsor?
28. Are you planning to work in the country?
29. Have you paid all necessary fees and taxes?

1. What is your current employment status?
2. Who is your employer?
3. What is your job title?
4. What is your annual salary?
5. How long have you been working for your current employer?
6. What is the nature of your work?
7. Do you have a job offer or employment contract in the UK?
8. What is the duration of your intended stay in the UK?
9. Are you currently on leave from your job or have you resigned?
10. Have you taken time off work to travel before?
11. Have you ever been terminated or fired from a job?
12. What was the reason for your termination, if applicable?
13. Have you ever worked illegally or without proper documentation?
14. Have you ever been denied a work visa or work permit in any country?
15. Have you ever overstayed a work visa or work permit in any country?
16. What type of work do you intend to do in the UK?
17. Are you traveling for work-related purposes or leisure?
18. What type of visa or permit are you applying for?
19. Do you have the necessary qualifications and experience for the job you intend to do?
20. Do you have any dependents or family members who are also traveling with you and have employment status questions of their own?
21. What is your current employment status?
22. What is your occupation?
23. How long have you been employed?
24. What is your monthly income?
25. What is the name and address of your employer?
26. What is your job title?
27. What are your job duties and responsibilities?
28. Do you have any previous work experience?
29. Have you ever been self-employed?
30. Have you ever been unemployed? If so, for how long?
31. What was your previous job?
32. Why did you leave your previous job?
33. Have you ever been terminated from a job?
34. Have you ever been involved in any legal disputes with an employer?
35. Have you ever been on a work visa or permit in this or any other country?
36. Do you have any job offers in the UK?
37. Will you be working while you are in the UK?
38. Do you have any business or employment ties in your home country that you plan to maintain?
39. How do you plan to support yourself financially while you are in the country?
40. Are you planning to look for work while you are in the country?

1. Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a crime?
2. What was the nature of the crime?
3. When was the crime committed?
4. Was the crime a misdemeanor or a felony?
5. Were you found guilty or pleaded guilty to the crime?
6. Did you serve time in jail or prison?
7. Have you completed your sentence, probation or parole?
8. Are you currently facing any criminal charges?
9. Have you ever been pardoned or had your criminal record expunged?
10. Have you ever been deported or removed from any country?
11. Have you ever been refused entry or denied a visa to any country?
12. Have you ever overstayed your visa or violated any immigration laws?
13. Have you ever used a false identity or committed any immigration fraud?
14. Have you ever been involved in human trafficking or smuggling?
15. Have you ever been a member of a terrorist organization or participated in any terrorist activities?
16. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
17. Have you ever been arrested or charged with a crime?
18. Have you ever been detained by law enforcement?
19. Have you ever been fingerprinted by law enforcement?
20. Have you ever been deported from any country?
21. Have you ever overstayed your visa in any country?
22. Have you ever been involved in any terrorist activities?
23. Have you ever been involved in any drug trafficking?
24. Have you ever been involved in any human trafficking?
25. Have you ever been involved in any money laundering?
26. Have you ever been involved in any arms smuggling?
27. Have you ever been involved in any organized crime?
28. Have you ever been involved in any violent crimes?
29. Have you ever been involved in any white-collar crimes?
30. Have you ever been involved in any cyber crimes?
31. Have you ever been involved in any crimes related to national security?
32. Have you ever been involved in any crimes related to immigration or visa fraud?
33. Have you ever been involved in any crimes related to the transport of illegal immigrants?
34. Have you ever been involved in any crimes related to child pornography?
35. Have you ever been involved in any crimes related to domestic violence?

1. What is the purpose of your trip?
2. Have you visited this country before?
3. How long do you plan to stay?
3. What type of visa do you have?
4. Have you ever overstayed a visa or been deported from a country?
5. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
6. Have you ever applied for asylum or refugee status?
7. Have you ever been denied entry into a country?
8. Have you ever been issued a travel ban or had your visa revoked?
9. Have you ever been refused a visa or had a visa application denied?
10. Have you ever worked in this country without proper authorization?
11. Have you ever engaged in any terrorist activities or been affiliated with a terrorist organization?
12. Have you ever been in a marriage of convenience for immigration purposes?
13. Have you ever been involved in human trafficking or smuggling?
14. Have you ever used a fraudulent passport or visa?
15. Have you been to this country before? If yes, when and for how long?
16. Have you ever worked illegally in any country?
17. Have you ever been married to a citizen or resident of any country?
18. Have you ever adopted a child from any country?
19. Have you ever sponsored or been sponsored by anyone for immigration purposes?
20. Have you ever traveled to any countries that are considered high-risk or have travel restrictions?
21. Have you ever been issued a visa for this country before? If yes, what type of visa?
22. Have you ever had any medical conditions that may affect your travel or ability to enter this country?
23. Have you ever been involved in any political activities or protests in any country?
24. Have you ever been interviewed or questioned by immigration authorities before?
25. Have you ever had any visa applications rejected before?
26. Have you ever had any immigration applications withdrawn or cancelled before?

1. What is your native language?
2. How many languages do you speak?
3. Can you speak English fluently?
4. How did you learn to speak English?
5. Have you taken any language proficiency tests?
6. Can you understand and speak the local language?
7. How long have you been learning English?
8. Do you have any formal language training or education?
9. Have you studied abroad before?
10. Have you ever lived in a country where the primary language is not your native language?
11. What level of proficiency do you consider yourself to have in English?
12. Can you provide examples of situations where you have used English in the past?
13. Can you read and write in English?
14. Have you ever translated documents or text from one language to another?
15. Can you communicate effectively in English in professional situations?
16. Have you ever had to interpret or translate for someone else?
17. How do you typically practice and improve your language skills?
18. Have you ever taken a language immersion program or course?
19. Can you understand different English accents and dialects?
20. Do you feel comfortable speaking English in public?
21. What languages do you speak fluently?
22. How long have you been studying English?
23. Have you ever taken a language proficiency exam? Which one(s)?
24. How often do you use English in your daily life?
25. Can you hold a conversation in English?
26. Have you ever lived in a country where English is the primary language spoken?
27. What level of proficiency would you rate your English skills?
28. Have you ever taken formal language classes or studied abroad to improve your language skills?
29. What specific vocabulary or phrases do you know in English that could be useful during your stay in this country?
30. Have you ever worked in a job that required you to use English regularly?
31. Have you ever been immersed in a language learning environment, such as a language school or language exchange program?
32. How comfortable are you with reading, writing, and speaking English?
33. Are you able to understand different accents or dialects of English?
34. Have you ever translated or interpreted for someone who did not speak your native language?
35. Can you provide an example of a time when you had to use English in a professional setting?

1. Have you recently traveled to a country with high rates of infectious diseases?
2. Have you been in close contact with anyone who has a contagious illness in the past few weeks?
3. Have you experienced any symptoms of illness, such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, in the past 14 days?
3. Have you received any medical treatment or been hospitalized recently?
4. Do you have any chronic medical conditions or underlying health issues?
5. Have you been vaccinated against any contagious illnesses?
6. Are you currently taking any medication for a chronic medical condition?
7. Have you been diagnosed with a communicable disease in the past, such as tuberculosis or hepatitis?
8. Have you been in contact with any animals or wildlife recently?
9. Have you been to a hospital or healthcare facility in the past 14 days?
10. Have you been tested for COVID-19 in the past 72 hours?
11. Have you been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
12. Have you been in a high-risk setting for COVID-19 exposure, such as a crowded event or public transportation?
13. Have you been asked to quarantine or self-isolate by a healthcare provider or government authority?
14. Have you recently recovered from a contagious illness?
15. Have you been experiencing any symptoms of illness recently?
16. Have you been in contact with anyone who has been sick?
17. Have you been diagnosed with any illnesses recently?
18. Have you received any medical treatment or taken any medication recently?
19. Have you been vaccinated for any diseases?
20. Have you been hospitalized recently?
21. Have you had any surgeries recently?
22. Have you been treated for any mental health conditions?
23. Have you ever been denied entry to a country due to health reasons?
24. Have you ever been quarantined or isolated due to a disease?
25. Have you ever been diagnosed with a contagious disease, such as tuberculosis or HIV?
26. Have you traveled to any countries with a high risk of infectious diseases?
27. Have you been tested for any diseases recently?
28. Have you tested positive for COVID-19?
29. Have you been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
30. Have you traveled to any countries with travel restrictions or quarantine requirements?
31. Have you been in an area with a high number of COVID-19 cases?
32. Have you been following the recommended health guidelines, such as wearing a mask and social distancing?
33. Have you been in a large gathering of people recently?
34. Have you been experiencing any respiratory symptoms, such as coughing or difficulty breathing?

Biometric information refers to unique physical characteristics such as fingerprints, facial features, and iris patterns that are used to identify individuals. Immigration authorities may collect biometric information as part of the visa application process or when a person enters a country. Some possible questions that may be asked about biometric information include:

1. Have you provided biometric information before?
2. When did you provide your biometric information?
3. What biometric information was collected from you?
4. Did you have any difficulties providing your biometric information?
5. Is the biometric information on your passport or visa accurate and up-to-date?
6. Have you changed your appearance since your biometric information was collected?
7. Do you have any physical conditions or disabilities that may affect your biometric information?
8. Are you aware of anyone else who may have provided biometric information under your name or identity?
9. Have you ever been denied entry or deported from a country due to issues with your biometric information?
10. Do you have any concerns about the collection or use of your biometric information?
11. Have you provided biometric information before?
12. What type of biometric information did you provide?
13. Was your biometric information taken as part of a visa application or during a previous travel to this country?
14. Are you aware of the purpose of collecting biometric information?
15. How did you provide your biometric information (e.g. fingerprints, facial recognition, etc.)?
16. Are you aware of the privacy and security measures in place to protect your biometric information?
17. Did you provide your biometric information voluntarily?
18. Are you aware that your biometric information may be shared with other government agencies for law enforcement or security purposes?
19. Do you have any concerns or questions regarding the collection or use of your biometric information?